Predicate {inotahaY

Frameset: f1 "to be ended / finished"

   ARG1: Thing ending


 (S (and |wa- | وَ-)
  (VP (be_concluded/be_completed+it/they/she |-{inotahat | -اِنْتَهَت)
      (NP-SBJ (the+session/meeting |Aljalosapu | الجَلْسَةُ))
      (PP-MNR (by/with |bi- | بِ-)
	      (NP (prayer/salat |-SalAapi | -صَلاَةِ)
		  (NP (NP (the+conclusion |AlxitAmi | الخِتامِ)
			  (the+first |Al>uwlaY | الأُولَى))
		      (and |wa- | وَ-)
		      (NP (the+half/middle/semi- |-AlniSofi | -النِصْفِ)))))
      (PP-TMP (after |baEoda | بَعْدَ)
	      (NP (the+noon/afternoon |AlZ~uhori | الظُّهْرِ))))
  (PUNC ")
  (PUNC .)) 

وَ- -اِنْتَهَت الجَلْسَةُ بِ- -صَلاَةِ الخِتامِ الأُولَى وَ- -النِصْفِ بَعْدَ الظُّهْرِ " . 

ARG1: Aljalosapu
Gloss: the session
ARGM-MNR: bi- -SalAapi AlxitAmi Al>uwlaY wa- -AlniSofi
Gloss: with the ending prayer of 1.30 PM
ARGM-TMP: baEoda AlZ~uhori
Gloss: in the afternoon
REL:  {inotahaY

Frameset: f2 "to come to/ to lead to"

   ARG0: Thing that come to
   ARG1: conclusion


 (S (VP (be_concluded/be_completed+he/it |-{inotahaY | -اِنْتَهَى)
      (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *))
      (PP-CLR (to/towards |<ilaY | إِلَى)
	      (NP (NP (the+speech/statement/remark/talk/saying |AlkalAmi | الكَلامِ))
		  (PP (from/about/of |Ean | عَن)
		      (NP (structure/composition/framework |hayokaliy~api | هَيْكَلِيَّةِ)
			  (NP (the+administration/management/bureau |Al<idArapi | الإِدارَةِ)
			      (the+pedagogical/educational |Alt~arobawiy~api | التَّرْبَوِيَّةِ))))))))
(PUNC .)) 

-اِنْتَهَى إِلَى الكَلامِ عَن هَيْكَلِيَّةِ الإِدارَةِ التَّرْبَوِيَّةِ . 

ARG0: *
Gloss: NP-SBJ (-NONE- *)
ARG1: <ilaY AlkalAmi Ean hayokaliy~api Al<idArapi Alt~arobawiy~api
Gloss: toward the talks about the composition of the pedagogical bureau
REL:  {inotahaY